Scientific Essentials: Universal Transport Mediums

In the world of science, one of the biggest challenges is transporting samples between different locations without damaging or altering their properties. The development of universal transport mediums (UTMs) has been a significant breakthrough in scientific research, especially in the fields of medicine and biology.

UTMs are chemical reagents that are used to preserve and transfer samples (commonly blood, urine, or tissue) from one lab to another, and ensure that they arrive at their destination in a stable and intact condition. They are particularly important in the field of medical and diagnostic research as they can help to prevent contamination, degradation or other changes that can affect the quality and reliability of the samples.

The main advantage of UTMs is their versatility, which means they can be used to preserve many different types of samples. Some of the most common UTMs used in scientific research include RNA and DNA stabilizing agents, preservatives for microbiology samples, and transport media for viruses and bacteria.

One of the most frequently used UTMs is the RNA and DNA stabilizing agent. This UTM is used to stabilize RNA and DNA in samples, even when they are exposed to extreme temperatures or other environmental stresses. This allows researchers to extract genetic material from the samples and perform analysis even hours or days after the samples were collected.

UTMs are also crucial in microbiology research. They help to preserve the viability of microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, and maintain their morphology, which allows researchers to accurately identify and culture them for study. Without effective UTMs, microorganisms would rapidly die or change in their physical and biochemical properties, making it difficult to conduct meaningful research.

UTMs are a critical tool in the fight against infectious diseases, as they allow samples to be transported and analysed in a safe and secure manner. In particular, they are widely used in the detection of emerging viruses, such as the Ebola virus and Zika virus, which require swift and accurate diagnosis.

Using quality UTMs will keep your samples preserved and transported in a manner that maintains their integrity, ensuring that you’re achieving accurate and reliable results.

Contact the Interpath Services team to learn more.

Scientific essentials